Author Bio:
Keam is an award-winning author who writes the Josiah Reynolds mystery series about a beekeeper turned sleuth. She also write an ebook epic fantasy series – The de Magela Saga.
DEATH BY A HONEYBEE won the 2010 Gold Medal Award for Women’s Lit from Reader’s Favorite and was a Finalist of the USA BOOK NEWS-Best Books of 2011.
DEATH BY DROWNING won the 2011 Gold Medal Award for Best Mystery Sleuth and also was placed on the USA BOOK NEWS-Best Books of 2011 as a Finalist.
Ms. Keam is also an award-winning beekeeper who has won 16 honey awards at the Kentucky State Fair including the Barbara Horn Award which is given to beekeepers who rate a perfect 100 in a honey competition.
She currently lives on the Kentucky River in a metal house with her husband and various critters. She still has honeybees.
What inspires you to write?
Reading excellent books from other authors makes me desire to be part of the pantheon.
Tell us about your writing process.
I get up at 3:30 and write for about three hours. No one is up and can disturb me. Then I go back to bed and get up in the late morning. I write for a few more hours or do marketing. It is very hard to a writer to write when the telephone rings or there are deliveries. Writing in the middle of the night is best for me.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I never use a formula or write a outline. I have only a vague idea of the story plot. I usually go where the characters lead me.
What advice would you give other writers?
Read. Read. Read. Write down new words or phrases from books and then use them in your writing. NOT ENTIRE PARAGRAPHS – but single words or phrases of three words or less. This will help you expand your use of new words.
It is an exercise that is similar to artists copying masterpieces in museums. While that exercise teaches artists different painting styles, writing down new words and then using them helps a writer expand their vocabulary.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
After firing one agent and then another agent firing me, I decided to trust in myself and take the plunge. I have never looked back.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I think it is an exciting time for all those who wish to write. Before only a selected few were read by the public. Now, due to the new technology, everyone has a level playing field. You can make it what you want in terms of success. Does success mean having lots of readers and making a living? Does it mean just having your work published and available? Success has different meanings for writers.
What do you use?
Professional Editor, Professional Cover Designer, Beta Readers
What genres do you write?
Epic Fantasy and Mystery
What formats are your books in?
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