Author Bio:
Beate Boeker is a traditionally published author since 2008 and now offers many full-length novels and short stories online. Several were shortlisted for the Golden Quill Contest, the National Readers’ Choice Award, and the ‘Best Indie Books of 2012’ contest.
She is a marketing manager by day with a degree in International Business Administration, and her daily experience in marketing continuously provides her with a wide range of fodder for her novels, be it hilarious or cynical.
While ‘Boeker’ means ‘books’ in a German dialect, her first name Beate can be translated as ‘Happy’ . . . and with a name that reads ‘Happy Books’, what else could she do but write novels with a happy end?
What inspires you to write?
Life in all its many facets! Funny situations, crazy situations. The need to get away ;-).
Tell us about your writing process.
For my romances, I just start with one key scene and let it flow from there. This sometimes gets me into trouble, but on the whole, it works very well. For my mysteries, I have to plan ahead because if the author doesn’t know about the murderer, chances are high we’ll never find him! So I create a storyline document that lists in bare words what’s happening at which moment – until the murderer is found. Of course, things often change while I’m writing the actual book, but not as drastically as in my romances where I really can’t predict what will happen next.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
Both! They are talking back and being stubborn and sometimes, I’m amazed that we get along at all.
What advice would you give other writers?
Be diligent. Learn. Never give up. Plan long-term.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I was first published by a traditional publisher (Avalon Books), but am very glad of going indie now. I’m a very impatient person, and waiting for nine months or longer in order to get a reply is torture. No more – I can just do what I want. I would advise every new author to learn the craft as much as possible, get feedback from professionals, and when all is done, to self-publish. The big publishers will come knocking on your door once you’re successful.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
It feels like a big upheaval – similar to the time when the first cars came on the market and all the horse owners eyed them with mistrust. I believe this is a revolution, but nobody knows for sure where it’ll lead us. Much of it is good, though of course, there are downsides to it as well. Let’s hope that authors can make more money than in the past because that will keep the intellectual landscape varied.
What do you use?
Beta Readers
What genres do you write?
cozy mysteries, humor, romances
What formats are your books in?
Both eBook and Print
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