Author Bio:
Patricia Gligor is a Cincinnati native. She enjoys reading mystery/suspense novels, touring and photographing old houses and traveling. She has worked as an administrative assistant, the sole proprietor of a resume writing service and the manager of a sporting goods department but her passion has always been writing fiction.
“Mixed Messages,” “Unfinished Business” and “Desperate Deeds” are the first three novels in her Malone Mystery series. They are available at, and B&N.
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What inspires you to write?
From the day I learned to read, I always had a book in my hands, usually a Judy Bolton or Nancy Drew mystery. When I was ten years old, a poem I’d written was published in my Sunday School magazine. The second I saw my byline, I knew that I “had to” be a writer and that mystery/suspense would be my genre.
Tell us about your writing process.
I am a plotter! My process starts with a single idea and grows from there. I jot down notes on scraps of paper as things occur to me. Then, I incorporate those scraps into typed notes. Next, comes the chapter-by-chapter outline, which lists what absolutely must happen in each chapter. Once that’s completed, I begin my first draft. Sometimes, as I write, I need to adjust my outline to accommodate my characters and/or plot. My first novel was written longhand but, since then, I’ve learned to create on my computer.
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
My characters are real to me. When I drive by the house that inspired my Malone Mystery series, I half expect to see one of my characters sitting on the front porch or waving to me from a window.
What advice would you give other writers?
1. Have someone (not a family member or close friend) read and critique your book.
2. Create an online presence and website and/or blog before contacting a publisher because they want to publish books by writers who will promote.
3. Never give up!
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I took the long road to being published. For years, I tried to get an agent but failed to do so. Finally, I looked into the world of small press publishers and found what I’d been searching for.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I’ve read many articles saying that paper books will become obsolete in my lifetime. I don’t want to live in a world without books! I believe we all need to do our part to make sure that doesn’t happen. In other words, definitely buy eBooks because they’re less expensive and you can buy more of them BUT don’t forget to buy a paper book now and then.
What do you use?
Professional Editor, Professional Cover Designer
What genres do you write?
What formats are your books in?
Both eBook and Print
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